Personal Responsibility Lawyer Podcast (Oct. 22, 2019): The Conservative Case for Class Actions
National Review (Nov. 13, 2019): The Conservative Case for Class Actions?
National Review (Nov. 26, 2019): “The Conservative Case for Class Actions” Doesn’t Pass the Smell Test
National Review (Dec. 2, 2019): A Counterintuitive and Compelling Case for Class-Action Lawsuits
Noncompliant Podcast (Dec. 12, 2019): The One Where A Conservative Thinks Class Actions Are Good
C-SPAN (Dec. 12, 2019): Book TV: The Conservative Case for Class Actions
Beyond Hourly Podcast (Dec. 16, 2019): The Conservative Case for Litigation Funding
National Review (Dec. 30, 2019): The Oxymoron of “the Conservative Case for Class Actions”
Trial (Jan. 2020): Books
Good Law | Bad Law Podcast (Jan. 24, 2020): A Conservative’s Case for Class Actions
Daily Business Review (Jan. 29, 2020): Law Professor Has Bone to Pick with Class-Action Lawyers, Judges
Vanderbilt Law (Winter 2020): The Conservative Case for Class Actions
Consumer Reports (Jan. 30, 2020): Forced Arbitration: A Clause for Concern
Federalist Society Teleforum (Feb. 6, 2020): Fitzpatrick v. Frank: Should Conservatives Embrace Class Actions?
Harvard Law Bulletin (Winter 2020): HLS Authors: Selected Alumni Books Winter ‘20
FAZ Einspruch (Feb. 17, 2020): Sammelklagen: Ein konservatives Projekt
JOTWELL (Feb. 24, 2020): A Return to First Principles: Class Actions & Conservativism
JD SUPRA (Mar. 23, 2020): The Conservative Case for Class Actions: A Provocative Proposal
Regulation (Spring 2020): Defending Private Safety Regulation
Washington Post (Apr. 24, 2020): A spate of lawsuits could help travelers battling airlines and cruise ships. Here’s what you need to know.
Washington Times (Apr. 29, 2020): “Too much damage”: Insurers reject coronavirus claims as business losses mount
Law & Society Review (June 2020): Book Review: The Conservative Case for Class Actions
Vanderbilt Law Review (May 2020): The Liberal Case Against the Modern Class Action
Vanderbilt Law Review (May 2020): Why Class Actions Are Something both Liberals and Conservatives Can Love
Lewis & Clark Law Review (May 2020): Deregulation and Private Enforcement
ABA Class Actions and Derivative Suits Litigation Committee (Spring 2020): Book Review: The Conservative Case for Class Actions
Revista Chilena de Derecho Privado (July 2020): Review: The Conservative Case for Class Actions
Judicature (Summer 2020): The Conservative Case for Class Actions: Point / Counterpoint
Business Insider (May 23, 2021): As Tesla Solar Roof customers file another lawsuit, California is set to decide whether to combine them into a single class-action complaint
BloombergLaw (June 3, 2021): Meet the Professor Big Law Hires to Collect Nine-Figure Fees
Fox News Radio (June 6, 2021): How Do Class Action Lawsuits Work?
AgriPulse (June 22, 2021): USDA fights in court to retain debt relief program
Federalist Society Review (July 13, 2021): There is No Conservative Case for Class Actions
FedSoc Blog (July 14, 2021): The Conservative Case Against the Big Business Case Against Class Actions
Consumer Reports (Aug. 13, 2021): How Consumers Are Using Mass Arbitration to Fight Amazon, Intuit, and Other Corporate Giants
Pound Civil Justice Institute (2022): Winners of Civil Justice Scholarship Award
Original Jurisdiction (Mar. 31, 2022): Lat’s Legal Library
AEIdeas (Apr. 22, 2022): The Conservative Case for Class Actions
Sound Advice (May 2022): An Interview with Professor Brian Fitzpatrick by ABA Litigation Section
Religious Studies Review (June 2022): Book Review: The Conservative Case for Class Actions
The New York Times (July 25, 2022): The Politics of Litigation May Be Changing
Bloomberg Law (Aug. 9, 2022): Consumer Class Actions May Founder Due to Eleventh Circuit Split
Future of Freedom (Sep. 18, 2023): Brian T. Fitzpatrick & Ted Frank: Should Conservatives Embrace the Current Class Action System?
Original Jurisdiction (Sep. 20, 2023): From Class Actions To Affirmative Action: An Interview With Brian Fitzpatrick